What Are The Best Hidden Sightseeing Spots In Lima?

What Are The Best Hidden Sightseeing Spots In Lima?

Are you looking for a way to experience the real Lima? Look no further, because Peruvian Local Friend has you covered! Your favorite local will take you on a tour that has it all and shows you the city’s true vibrancy. Not only will you get to see the best of Lima, but you’ll also discover its hidden gems. Come join us and have an unforgettable journey – you’ll be able to say that you experienced the real Lima!

Sightseeing Spots In Lima

Beginning your Peruvian adventure in the captivating city of Lima is the ideal way to kick off your travels. Immerse yourself in the unique culture of this Latin American gem and take in the breathtaking views of the seemingly endless, shimmering ocean from the cliffs that overlook the city. Lima has something for everyone, from its world-renowned cuisine to its vibrant art, music, and culture scene. Enjoy the best of what Peru has to offer and discover why Lima is the culinary capital of Latin America.

From Lima, your Peruvian journey can take you to many different parts of the country, each with its own unique beauty and attractions. Visit the sacred ruins of Machu Picchu, explore the highest lake in the world and its unique communities, have an adrenaline filled adventure at the Oasis of America, or customize your own unique Lima trip.

Convento de San Francisco Ossuary

Visiting the Convento San Francisco and its catacombs is an absolute must for anyone who finds themselves in the city center. This former graveyard was used to inter the remains of roughly 70,000 people, and the passageways are now lined with the bones and skulls of those who have passed. As you explore the depths of the catacombs, you’ll find yourself surrounded by the remnants of a bygone era. It’s an eerie and unique experience that can’t be missed.

Its impressive library holds a wealth of ancient books, and the Last Supper painting is an incredible sight to behold. Its similarities to the painting in Cusco are remarkable, and with a closer inspection, you can make out the guinea pig on one of the plates. This serves as a reminder of the incorporation of indigenous cultures into Christianity after the Spanish colonization. If you’re looking to gain insight into Peru’s past, the convent is an excellent choice to visit.

Museo de los Descalzos

Take a journey back in time by visiting the renowned Museo de los Descalzos in Lima, Peru. Located in the Convent of Descalzos and established in 1596, this National Monument is home to an impressive array of art and history dating back over 400 years. Placed in the Historic Center of Lima and with boasting collections from the 16th century to the 21st century, this museum is the perfect destination for history and art lovers alike. From the coral books of the 17th and 18th centuries to the ethnographic pieces, artwork from the School Quiteña, and European Baroque, there is something to be discovered here for everyone.

The knowledgeable staff offers guided tours and provides detailed information about the exhibits. For groups, advanced reservations are recommended. The museum also holds cultural workshops for kids and adults to learn about art and cultural heritage. Whether you are a history enthusiast or just looking for a unique experience, make sure to include the Museo de los Descalzos on your list of places to visit when in the Lima area.

Mercado de Brujas

The Mercado de Brujas, located in Lima, Peru, is an interesting and unique marketplace. Here one can purchase a variety of strange and curious items, such as snake fat for the alleviation of arthritis, smoothies blended with herbs and spices designed to treat a range of ailments, and even black candles for casting curses. For those suffering from arthritis, there is even a special smoothie made with frog, which is said to be especially effective. The Mercado de Brujas is a fascinating place, with many unusual items on offer.

Many people may not be aware of the market tucked away inside the Gamarra Market, right outside the Gamarra train station.

If you are on the hunt for python skins, this is the place to be. Not only is this market a great place to shop for traditional folk medicine, but it also serves as a hub for the indigenous groups and the Peruvian population in general. Here, you can find a wide range of medicinal herbs, spices, and other natural ingredients used in traditional folk medicine. There are also vendors selling traditional remedies, as well as natural remedies for a variety of ailments. From healing balms to herbal teas, the market has it all.

Huaca Pucllana

Nestled in the midst of an affluent area of Miraflores in Lima, Peru, this huaca is a clay and adobe pyramid that dates back to approximately 500 CE. This pyramid stands as a relic of a bygone era, a reminder of the advanced culture of the ancient inhabitants of the region.

Huaca Pucllana is a special example of this ancient culture’s engineering feats. Constructed from adobe bricks and mud, the pyramid is believed to have served as a ceremonial center and administrative hub for the Lima culture. It is composed of seven terraces, each of which was made with narrow abode bricks lined up vertically, technique known as “bookshelf technique”.

Excavations by archaeologists are still taking place, finding a variety of decorated ceramics, old tools, sculptures of sharks, remains of textiles, and even untouched tombs of Wari mummies. All has been preserved in a small museum.

This archaeological site, located in the Miraflores district, is a fascinating piece of history that is well worth a visit.

Bosque el Olivar (Olive Grove Forest)

In 1560, just after the demise of the Incan Empire, Antonio de Rivera set sail from Sevilla, Spain, to Lima, Peru, with a hundred olive saplings in tow. Sadly, only three of the trees survived the voyage. However, due to their hardiness and perseverance, by 1821, when Peru was declared an independent nation, 3,000 more of the trees had grown from the original three.

Deep in the San Isidro District of Lima, Peru lies the tranquil Bosque El Olivar or Olive Grove Forest. It’s a popular destination for romantic strolls, due to its lush and peaceful atmosphere. This forest is home to 44 species of trees, including olive, cedar, and eucalyptus, as well as more than 20 species of birds, ranging from the vibrant scarlet flycatcher to the majestic Harris’s Hawk. The forest is also home to a tranquil lagoon, where visitors can spot ducks swimming and frolicking.

Additionally, there is a cultural center, which houses interesting exhibitions and artworks. Wooden benches line the paths of the forest, creating an inviting atmosphere for couples looking to enjoy each other’s company. The Bosque El Olivar is an oasis of calm amidst the hustle and bustle of Peru’s capital, making it a must-visit destination for anyone visiting Lima.

Pizarro’s Tomb – Lima Cathedral

For nearly a century, the mummified remains of conquistador Francisco Pizarro had been put on display in a glass casket in the Cathedral of Lima, Peru. Catholic and Spanish pilgrims, as well as historians, had visited the remains, yet in 1977, workers uncovered a casket that was completely different, with the words inscribed on it: “Here is the skull of the Marquis Don Francisco Pizarro who discovered and won Peru and placed it under the crown of Castile.” This presented a rather awkward situation, to say the least.

Were the skull and bones really Pizarro’s? A team of researchers was called to examine the remains and compare the visible injuries to the conqueror’s death wounds mentioned in accounts regarding his assassination. The amazing conclusion was that the skull and bones were that of Francisco Pizarro.

The mummy had been fake, so in 1985 true Pizarro’s bones were placed in a tomb in a chapel at the Cathedral of Lima, where they can be visited until nowadays.

Gran Hotel Bolivar

Since its grand opening nearly a century ago, the Gran Hotel Bolivar has been a favored destination in Lima for a variety of international celebrities, including Hollywood stars, award-winning authors, and renowned rock musicians. For many years, the hotel was the place to stay for those visiting the Peruvian capital. Unfortunately, in recent decades, the Gran Hotel Bolivar has experienced a decline, becoming a target of rumors regarding the presence of paranormal activity.

Rumors of supernatural happenings have been circulating about the hotel for years, with reports of a ghostly woman in white strolling down the passageways and a former worker who has never truly checked out. Another spirit that is purported to haunt the hotel is that of a woman who is said to have taken her own life by jumping from one of the hotel’s windows years ago.

A stay at the Gran Hotel Bolivar is a trip back in time to a place reminiscent of The Shining. Though no longer sporting its four-star rating, the hotel is still a beautiful example of old-fashioned allure. The bar at the Bolivar is renowned for making the most delicious pisco sours in Peru – something that Ava Gardner soon discovered. If you’re looking for a unique, luxurious experience, the Gran Hotel Bolivar is the perfect setting for a stay in Peru. You won’t find a better place to get a taste of history with a hint of the macabre. The Gran Hotel Bolivar is a one-of-a-kind experience that you won’t soon forget.

Visiting some of the sites mentioned require joining a guided tour. Take you pick from all the range of Private Lima Tours we have and book now a visit to any of these interesting places!

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